
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Helping Heart, By Allison

A Helping Heart 

By Allison W.

    How many times have you grumbled or complained when your mom says, "Please load the dish washer," or "I need you to rake the leaves this afternoon."? How many more times have you obeyed, but inside yourself you don't want to be doing the chore? You see, there is a difference; obedience is an outward act, while submission in an inward heart attitude. God wants us to not only obey but also to submit our hearts. 
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God.
    So how do you become submissive? Respond cheerfully, see your responsibilities as serving the Lord, and be willing and ready to do whatever asked of you. However, the first step is to come before Jesus and ask Him to change your heart. If you humble yourself, He will be more than willing to come and give you an attitude check. 
James 4:6 God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
    I encourage you to evaluate your attitude as you go into a certain job. Are you wanting to serve? Would God be pleased with your attitude? From this attitude God will bring great joy and rewards. Keep it up!


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