By Joy W.
John 3:16 – 21
who desires anything must be ready to sacrifice. Life is full of
sacrifices and God gave us one beautiful, wonderful and unfathomable
example of how He showed His love to mankind through sacrifice. And as
the song writer writes “Grace who will earn than a man will sacrifice
himself for a brother?" Only God will do such and so He
sacrificed His only son so that on entire world will be saved forever.
That is sacrifice. And so He did not come to condemn the world but
rather through Him the world must be saved. Every good seed of sacrifice
sowed always sprouts good fruits as well.
If you want to pass exams as a student, you must sacrifice a little sleep and a little
comfort to learn, by sitting up late to learn, to get what you want. A
mother will have to sacrifice her sleep to sit up and watch her children
sleep before she herself sleeps, and that is sacrifice. And in the same
way you would sacrifice a dress or some food for a friend in need. You
may not get a physical exchange but you would have that inner joy of
helping a brother and a friend.
unto others as you want others to do unto you and the more you
sacrifice for the physical and spiritual well-being of others the more
people see it needful to do for you, too.
whenever you do any of these things (sacrificing) you feel like
everybody should do the same, and you are unashamed. See, nobody doing
evil will let people see, and so are the occults and the secret
worshippers who worship the Devil (it is done in secret, in the dark).
Every robber fears the police because what he does is evil. Darkness is
always not able to stand light - not in any manner - and whenever light
shines, darkness is not able to contain it. Man loves darkness and hates
lights because nobody doing evil brings it to light.
So walk in the light!
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