
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pure Heart

Pure Heart 

The definition of purity:
*The condition of being pure 
*Cleanness;freedom from foulness or dirt
*Freedom from guilt or the defilement of sin;innocence; chastity; as purity of heart or of life 
*Freedom from any sinister or improper motives or views 
*Freedom from any idioms, or from barbarous or improper words or phrases;as purity of style. 

So, you've been doing this Christian thing for a while; you think you're pretty good at it. You read you Bible and pray often; you go to church; and you love God.
These things are all really great things to be doing a Christian, but you need to have a pure heart in the midst of it all. The reason you need to have a pure heart is so that you don't go astray. In the Bible, Jesus tells us that He is the shepherd and we are the sheep. Sheep go astray, they get tempted by rushing streams of water. The shepherd knows that if that sheep takes a drink from the rushing stream, he will fall in and drown. Many Christians get distracted by worldly things, and they fall into them; just as the sheep fall into the rushing streams. But, when you have a pure heart, your eyes are on God, not the worldly things or the "rushing streams." So today, as we talk about how to have a pure heart, listen close, so that you will not go astray. 

So, you want a pure heart. Here is how to do it:
Step 1: Get rid of the temptations! What is it in your life that is the "rushing stream"? It may be a show on TV that has impure actions or words on it.Pick up the TV remote and turn the power button off, or find a clean alternative TV show or movie.  It may be someone who you are hanging out with that is not talking the right way, or using the right actions. Then, you should stop hanging out with them. Don't get me wrong, you should still be kind to them, but you can't be "best buddies." Whatever it is in your life that is impure, hit the power button, break up with them, whatever it is, do it. 

Step 2: Obviously, after turning off the TV, or breaking up with whats-his-face, you are going to have some spare time, the time that you were using know. So, break out your BIBLE!!! That's right, begin to hide God's Word in your heart. Then you need to use your Praying Powers!!!!! Pray that God would lead you to the right decisions  and give you a pure heart! 

Step 3: Begin hanging out with Christians. Maybe it's your mom, or a teacher or possibly some kid in your gym class. But by hanging, even if it's only like....jogging together in gym class, will help you. hearing positive words is great! 

Step 4: We all have our weaknesses. Maybe you need to work on patience, or self-control or joy. Whatever it is, one great way to purify your heart is to put your weaknesses into practice. So, let's say Cassidy need to work on patience. Take a look at this situation and tell me which way Cassidy used patience better:

Situation 1: Cassidy is in the lunch line at school. There are about seven kids in front of her. Timmy Powers, the kid in front of Cassidy, is taking forever deciding whether to get the green jello or yellow jello (They're both gross anyways.) Another minute has gone by, Timmy is still not settled, and Cassidy is getting really hungry! She takes the green and yellow jello cups, and dumps them on Timmy's head!!!! Cassidy has to pay for both of Timmy's jello cups, (now she can't afford her own red jello,) she gets lunch detentions for two weeks, and she gets grounded at home. 

Situation 2: Cassidy is in the lunch line at school. There are about seven kids in front of her. Timmy Powers, the kid in front of Cassidy, is taking forever deciding whether to get the green jello or the yellow jello (They're both gross anyways.) Another minute has gone by and, Timmy is still not settled, and Cassidy is getting really hungry! "Hey, Timmy, I like the red jello best," Cassidy says in a calm matter. "Oh, cool," Timmy reaches back, and pulls a red jello cup out of the case. He smiles at Cassidy, pays for his lunch, and Cassidy grabs a red jello cup as well. Then the lunch lady compliments Cassidy on her patience with Timmy. Cassidy smiles, and then has a nice lunch with her friends. 

As you probably already know, situation 2 was a much better choice. Sometimes it can be hard to become good with out weaknesses, but it is a vital step in making a pure heart. 

The Final Step: Stay close to God. Pray and read your Bible as often as you can, go to church. If you are using dirty words or actions, that is one thing you really have to get rid of, and quick!!!! Your walk with God will be great when you take these steps! 

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


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