God's Love Toward Us.
By Chadia M.
times we fail and many times we have regrets. As human beings, we
cannot be perfect just as we would like to be. The apostle Paul
expressed it better when he said that he wanted to do good but evil
takes advantage of him. So are we. Personally, there was a time when I
felt so unworthy of the love of Christ because of all the bad things I
kept on doing. When I looked at my fellow Christians all around me, I
fell into despair. They looked sooooo perfect! So I kept on wondering
what was wrong with me. Was I meant to be sinful all of my life? Didn’t I
believe enough? Or didn’t God hear my prayers? The only thing I knew
was that I needed to change…It was in that mess that the Lord showed me how much He loved me. Dear friends, Jesus doesn’t love you because you are perfect or because everybody else thinks you are nice. No. He JUST LOVES YOU. It doesn’t matter who you are (cute, tall, thin, fat, …), it doesn’t matter who people think you are (boring, not cool, lovely, funny, …) or your qualities and flaws. He loves you whether others do or not, He loves you when you do wrong and when you act good, because He knows your value. You are precious in his eyes. That is proved by the fact that He showed His love for you by spreading His blood on the cross when you were still a sinner. Now, you are made perfect in His eyes and when the devil tries to tell you that you are still a sinner, just confess that you’ve been washed in Jesus’ blood and that you are holy just like The Father.
You must know that your name is BELOVED in God’s heart and that nothing can separate you from His love so perfect (Romans 8:35-39). So do not waste your time in thinking about your failures and mistakes. Instead, believe in the God who loves you more than anyone else. You know what, He knows that you want to change and that’s what He also wants for you. But victory is in prayer and in faith. Pray for yourself and be sure that God’s unending love will provide for you and you will be amazed.
God’s love toward His children is perfect: it never changes. I saw that same love changing my life completely, breaking my chains, giving answers to my hardest questions and taking me out of my troubles. Today, you can see that same love acting in your life if you trust in it. It went nowhere; it is still there by your side. Just open your eyes and you will see.
God is love,
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