Hear the Word
By Joy W.
Hear the Word
By Joy W.
Life, they say, is short, but if you get the favor to live it, you must live each passing day, with gratitude and gratefulness to the One who gives it: God, the creator of the world and everything that dwells in it. In Him we have life and in Him and for Him we live. Like Paul says, but for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Life is God and you are the expression of God.
Every death may be death as the world describes it, but it also comes in shades, types and kinds. As the Bible says, it is appointed for every man to die ones and after that, judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
Some die in peace, others die grieving their souls and spirit; whichever way, what matters most is how you lived your life. What account will you give to the One who gave you this life to live after? People are watching you, and so is God. God watches you to see if you are obeying His will by telling others about Him to expand His kingdom. Man watches you to either learn from you to live like Christ or criticize you for who you are and what you stand for. Will the story told about you after your death be good or bad? Should you die today, where will you go, Heaven or Hell? HELL AND HEAVEN ARE SO REAL.
Perhaps you never heard of the man Jesus Christ, who two thousand and twelve years ago, came down from heaven, sent by God to die and save man from sin and to render us not to be slaves again but sons and daughters of God.
In Genesis, the Bible says God created the heavens in the earth. The world was formless and desolate. The world was in total darkness so God created everything there is in this world including you and I. In chapter 2 verse 7, it says, "Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life- giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live." That was the first man, for everything He created, it was by word; He spoke and it came into being but for you and I, He was ready to get His hands dirty. The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It also says that in His likeness He created man. (Chapter 1:26 Then God said, “and now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small). And after everything He created He looked at everything He had created and He was pleased. Gen. 1: 31.
And so He was pleased with you and me, but you know what, the apostle John also writes in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy Jesus Christ came that you must have life and have it in full. With sin, pleasures of this world, lies and all the other sins we can think of, the evil one is stealing us from God, and now the Creator grieves over His creation. Everything we adorn ourselves with and love in this world will pass away, but His word will never pass away. Everything is vanity. You may have heard this word over and over again but I tell you today that till you believe in the Son of Man you will perish in hell. Hell is so real and the lake of fire is. People are suffering now as I speak to you in hell, because they lied, others because they failed to forgive, pride; the Bible says humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.
I speak to you today not because I want to and feel like it but because the Lord is ever ready to come if you don’t believe, He can come as you read this. Beloved, hell is not meant for you. He says if you hear my Word today do not harden your heart. Your problem is not too big to withhold you from going to heaven; be a candidate for heaven.
Isaiah 53:6 says all of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the Lord made the punishment fall on Jesus, the punishment all of us deserved. Romans 3:23 goes on to say that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But verse 23 says "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. What keeps you from getting that gift, if you lose this gift you gain Hell; the pit of fire. 1 Peter 2:24 clearly states; Christ himself carried our sins in his Body to the cross, so that we must die to sin but live for righteousness, and it is by his wound you are healed. And in John 14:6 Christ himself declares; “I am the way, the Truth and the Life; no one goes to the Father except by me”. The only truth there is to hear is Jesus Christ, he took it all and today if you will live everything and follow him like the disciples did, heaven will be your portion. Whatever you are trusting in would not get you to heaven, no statue, no other God but Christ. Surrender to him and you will see a difference, you will feel his love, his presence and warmth. Look at the birds of the sky, they do not reap nor sow but your Father in heaven feeds them how much more you a human being created in his image and likeness, are you not more precious than these birds?
of us we have heard of this man and this message but we are sitting on
it, we are not spreading the Gospel. We don’t see the need and purpose
of doing so. We are being hypocrites, wolves in sheep clothing, watch
your ways because one day, you will surely give an account of this life
you are living. The bible says; to obey is better than sacrifice and so
he sends to go ye into the world and make disciples of all nations. Let
your light shine wherever you are so that people may see and give glory
to your father in heaven. You are the light of this world, no one lights
a lamp and puts it under a table but rather puts it on a lamp stand
that it may shine for all to see. Again you are the salt of this world
if the salt should lose its taste; it is not fit for anything but rather
thrown away for people to trample on it.
will you heed his word and live or reject and die? Will you be a light
hidden under a table or tasteless salt that is useless, the Choice is
yours but there is Joy in heaven over a soul that comes to Christ. Do
not live life, like you have it all even if you do. Don’t live life as
if you own it, least it is taken away from you because it is not yours.
Do not live life like you rule it, because there is a ruler. Be grateful
and thankful for it because it is a gift. Live each passing day, like
it’s your last day on earth because God can come today and now. For
everything you are supposed to do, do it today and now; today may be
your last on earth and your last chance. This time is the right time for
everything you ought to do.
will you heed his word and live or reject and die? Will you be a light
hidden under a table or tasteless salt that is useless, the Choice is
yours but there is Joy in heaven over a soul that comes to Christ. Do
not live life, like you have it all even if you do. Don’t live life as
if you own it, least it is taken away from you because it is not yours.
Do not live life like you rule it, because there is a ruler. Be grateful
and thankful for it because it is a gift. Live each passing day, like
it’s your last day on earth because God can come today and now. For
everything you are supposed to do, do it today and now; today may be
your last on earth and your last chance. This time is the right time for
everything you ought to do.
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