Thank You, Lord Jesus
By Trish M.
beautiful sisters in spirit. I just want to greet you all in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ and start off by quoting a song as per usual .
This song says “ He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could
not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away and now I sing a brand
new song, amazing grace , How sweet the sound, Christ Jesus Paid the
debt that I could never pay” .
Think about it.
were born from/of sin which was original sin by Adam and Eve. We are
all sinners, every single one of us and the word of God says that sin is
punishable by death. Basically someone had to die or else we would all
die. Jesus himself, the lion of Judah, the son of God died just for you
and me.
I think about this, I start to cry because how incredible is it that
thousands of years before you were born, somebody loved you enough to
let themselves be crucified. Someone cared about you enough to give up
their life for you. This is a very big deal.
I would just like to encourage you to repeat this prayer thanking Lord Jesus for dying for you.
A prayer of thanks:
Jesus, I love you. Jesus you are a wonderful king, I exalt your mighty
name for there is no one else like you. Jesus I just want to thank you
for dying on the cross for me, my family, my friends, everybody before
me and everybody after me. Jesus Christ, what you did as the ultimate
gift of love and I just want to love you back. You are the Messiah, you
are the mighty Savior. Thank you once again.
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