
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Greatest news you'll ever read!, By Oksana H.

Greatest news you'll ever read!

By Oksana H.

Have you ever thought of what will happen to you after you die? Will you turn out to be an animal, or will you be a spirit walking around the earth, or will your body be just in the ground, or will you spend eternity with God in Heaven, or in Hell where the Demons are with their king Satan?
People believe in many things, but I believe in one true God, the Creator of Heaven and the earth. People say that they don't believe in God. Look around you! Your chair that you're sitting on is made from a tree and God created that tree so that you might one day sit on it.
Have you ever wondered who made the sky or the beautiful nature? God is the Creator; He even created YOU for His purpose! He made each and everyone of us for Him, that we'll be humbled enough to just worship Him for who He is!
People say that they don't believe in Hell or Heaven, God nor Satan and his helpers, Demons. We were all created in the sin nature. You might know the story of Adam and Eve in the beginning of the Bible, they were the first ones to sin because of temptation from serpent, who represented the Devil. Later on in the History, God gave His one and only Son to come to earth just to die for you and me, on the cross. Even though we weren't even born, He did it once and for all. This is really interesting; I was amazed when I heard it. When Jesus was on the cross, you and I were on His mind. Can you believe that??? I think that is just SO amazing!
The only way to get to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. In the Bible it says that you cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you ask Jesus into your heart.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The next time when you have something bad happens to you, run to Jesus; He'll be there to help you. So many times we run to our friends, but they don't do what Jesus would do. He knows what you're going through because He's been there and He is God, who is all knowing and all powerful! When He came to earth, He was fully God and man. So Jesus is what each and every one of us needs.
 It's your choice to come and follow Him or live a sinful life. It seems that sin is fun, only until it gets worse enough that your world is falling apart. 
After you make a choice to come and follow Him, He'll change your life. Jesus even said that He's knocking on the door of your heart right now and if you'll let Him in, He'll come and have a relationship with you, like friend to friend, but He'll be your best friend. It's a simple prayer, you just ask Jesus to come into your life and say that you're sorry for what you have done. If you believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the death, you'll be saved.
You might say that you are a good person, that's why you'll go to Heaven. Let's see... the 10 laws of God. Have you ever lied? If you say 'no', you just lied! Have you ever stolen ANYTHING? Small or big, even a pencil or a penny? Have you ever looked on the opposite sex with lust? That's committing adultery! Let's see... that's 3 laws of the 10, if you said 'yes' to just one, in the Bible it says that if you broke one, you broke them all!!! If you say "I'm a perfect man", then why did Jesus come to die if you are perfect? I tell you something, Jesus was the only unsinful man, who came without sin to die for you and me so that we can become like Him!
 I do believe that there's Demons and Satan, who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. If you need Jesus, don't wait! I also want to tell you something else. When you ask Jesus to come into your heart, life will not be perfect; you will have trials. You'll be persecuted for what choice you made, but at least Jesus will be by your side to help you, and when you get to Heaven,  you'll have a great reward for suffering for Christ. You might be saying "Oh, I have to read Bible and pray 3 times a day or I have to change in this and that" No!
 From my point of view, when I came to know Christ, He changed me and I wanted to read Bible, I wanted to talk to Him (praying) and change. In the Bible it says that when you become a believer, set apart from the world, for you are not of the world any more, but God's children. Your life is nothing without Jesus! Jesus loves you SO much that He stretched out His hands on the cross and died for you. Don't wait...


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