Glorify Him in everything…even your Facebook status
By Miranda H.
Just like any other young woman in this day in age, I spend a decent amount of time on social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. There are many positives that come from using these sites…you are able to keep up with old friends, you can stay updated on the lives of family that live far way, you can easily view pictures of your loved ones…so on and so forth. However, there is one major negative issue that I am noticing more and more each day, and that issue is the way that young Christian women often contradict their testimony through the use of vulgar language and rude comments.
I’m sure many of you have witnessed this. Most of us are familiar with this type of social media user. They will post a status meant to glorify the Lord, such as scripture or a verse from a Christian song. Then, a few minutes later another status from that same person will pop up on your feed. But this time it’s full of unsightly language and hatred, often towards another person. Not only is this worrisome for fellow Christians, it also ruins that person’s witness to their Facebook or Twitter friends who may not be believers in Christ.
As Jesus loving young women, we should aim to reflect Him in all that we do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” It is not our place to pick and choose when and where we “act like a Christian.” We have to aim to live out our belief in God all day, every day, through every action. Will we make mistakes? Of course. We know that we are human, and it is impossible to be perfect all the time. However, there is a major difference in accidentally thinking or saying something wrong, and blatantly filling you words or Twitter feed with cussing and slander.
When I mentioned this thought once in a group of believers, I was told by someone that I was being judgmental and hypocritical. This person believed that I shouldn’t be so worried about the actions of others. At first this upset me, but then I realized that there is a huge difference in being judgmental and looking out for fellow believers. As Christians, one of our duties is to encourage our brothers and sisters. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 reads, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Wouldn’t you want a fellow believer to encourage you and pray for you if you were having a difficult time spiritually? Why is it any different to do the same for someone who may be struggling with their words and actions?
In so many ways, posting something negative on a social media site is even worse than saying it to someone’s face. That status update or Tweet is going to stay on your timeline for a long, long time. Therefore, glorifying God is just as important when you are virtual. Use those written updates to share something positive and be a light through your online profile!
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