Defending One's Faith
By Sarah K.
Sometimes the issue at hand becomes so big, it can be easy to forget the
bigger picture leads us to the cross. We are often challenged today by
many people about our stance as Christians. Often questions like, "Why
can't you do that? It seems fine to me." or "That can't be right... why
would God make you do something like that?" challenge us to respond...
and sometimes we don't have an answer.
Several years ago, I went to a school with some very nice people. Very
nice, but not Christians. They were Mormons. On the outside, we looked
much the same: we lived morally, never used bad language, obeyed
authority, etc. But, inevitably, our viewpoints and beliefs collided.
Often, they confronted me on several things I believed, either about
God, or what they believed, or my choices. After trial and error, I
found the best way to get someone to actually listen to your viewpoint
is to simply listen to them. Hearing them out gave me ground and helped
me respond clearly. I also learned (thankfully, my friends were
forgiving!) that people will not sincerely listen unless you treat them
and their beliefs with respect. Saying outright (or not so subtly
hinting!) that they're wrong, or becoming aggressive makes both them and
you forget the big picture. Speaking with love gave me credibility,
and my friends wanted to listen.
A lot of times, when I become involved in an argument, I lose sight of
why I'm here, defending what I believe. I forget Jesus' command to tell
others, and it just becomes a win-or-lose debate. I have to constantly
remind myself that whether I have better arguments or not isn't the
issue... it's God who does the heart changing, who makes people say, "I
want to know more." Of course, there are times when people just want to
argue with you; who only bring it up because they want to refute
whatever you say. It's not worth it to get angry, aggressive, or try to
argue back. I've found that gently switching the topic to another
subject is the often the best thing to do. In those cases, they don't
want to hear what I've got to say, so it would be pointless to argue -
I'd just be talking into thin air! Thankfully, this didn't happen much
with my friends, and I've actually had these tactics used on me when
I've lost sight of the "big picture" of the cross, and resorted to
thinking that if I use my superior logic, they'll have to give in.
Some encouraging sources that have helped me are - obviously - God's
Word (especially 1 Timothy 4:12-16), the Elsie Dinsmore series, and
"Stepping Heavenward." Elsie Dinsmore is about a young Southern girl who
is a deeply committed Christian. She goes through many trials, but
always clings to God. Even though she's fictional, I'm always encouraged
by how she handles difficult situations, and hostile people.
"Stepping Heavenward" is a fictional diary of a young girl growing into a
woman, and growing in her walk with Christ. It has many real life
examples of the kinds of confrontations a Christian could face, and I go
there a lot, sometimes for encouragement... much more for advice.
In the end, telling others about Christ is a special privilege we
Christians have to share with others about the wonderful love and
acceptance we find in Christ Jesus. We have an opportunity to show His
love, and to gently point those around us to Him. One of the best ways
to keep your eyes fixed on the cross, and to remember why we do what we
do is to pray for those who confront us. Pray for wisdom that we respond
biblically and lovingly, and pray that those we proclaim the Gospel to
will "have ears to hear" (Matthew 11:15).
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
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