Become a Campus Missionary!
By Caitlin S.
Has anyone ever told you that your school campus is a mission field? Or that you are the missionary that your friends and classmates need? The public school campus is the most strategic mission field in the United States, because 90% of our population passes through the public school system at some point.
Even if you go to school in another country or go to private school, this is still the place where you spend the most time with people who you can impact! Some basic commitments that are important if you want to be a missionary to your campus are:
Pray - Pray for your school, administrators, teachers and students every day.
Live - Live out your personal relationship with Jesus in your actions and interactions with others.
Tell - Tell your salvation story and what God has done for you when opportunities arise.
Serve - Serve your campus in anyway possible.
Give - Give or your time, talent, or finances to make s difference in the lives of fellow students.
Their are all kinds of simple ways to do some of these things; wear Christian t-shirts to school, do a school project on a biblical topic, carry your Bible at school, pray over your food at lunch, pick up someone's book they dropped in the hallway, pick up trash when you see it on the ground. Volunteer to help with school events or projects. Its very simple to impact someone's life and you may be the only Bible they ever read, so step up and step out!
What if my school doesn't allow some of these things?
You have the right to do any of the things I have mentioned above while at school during non-instructional time, as well as to be able to have a Christian or Bible club at school, and so much more!
I want to be a missionary to my campus - but how?
You are already a missionary to your campus just by living out your faith at school. If you would like to sign up officially you can do so at and there are also a ton of free resources for you available there. Signing up there will also give you the option of getting information about training and even more resources available to you. I will be writing more articles and stories about campus missions, but if you have any questions or would like more information just email and put "Campus Missions" in the subject and I will be glad to get those from the staff and answer them for you. You can make a difference, and I believe in you!
“Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed, for I am going to do a work in your day you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5 (I stood on this verse as a campus missionary and saw God do some awesome things at my school!)
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