If you would like to pick up a Christmas gift, or start the new year with a fresh new Bible, I can recommend one for you! It's really pretty, but its true beauty is in how it ties everything together.
Girls, have you ever stopped to consider how the Bible is all one big story? It's not a bunch of separate stories at all - it's all leading up to Christmas, the coming of the Savior, and ultimately, HIS SACRIFICE on the CROSS!

Perhaps you've heard of the names of some of the contributors to this particular version:
They do their part to show how the 66 books are one in all of the extra material (700 features!). Sometimes, in the past, I have found myself almost more interested in the side content than the main content. But for this Bible, the use of various fonts, sizes, and the general layout keep me going back to the actual Bible's text.

And that means everything's going back to Jesus, as it should be! We can have lots of opinions, guesses, and applications for things, but those need to be secondary to the Scripture itself.

So I'm just going to admit. There is no Bible out there that will make you open it and read it every day. That's something we develop with self-discipline, a tender heart toward the prompting of the Holy Spirit, And the encouragement from other believers who keep you accountable. But why not give yourself a good chance to actually stick to your plan, if you do not have a Bible that you would like to pick up and read now, by asking for this for Christmas? Or buying it for yourself if you are able.

I try to read the Christmas story several times in December. It keeps me focused. So here is a picture from The book of Luke to let you see how it would look.
While the inside is not as colorful as the beautiful artwork on the cover of this Bible, having it sitting on my desk the last couple of weeks has made me notice it and pick it up multiple times.
So let's take the time to decide to spend 2020 in the word together! Whether you use an app, a physical Bible, this particular Bible, or one that you already own, it takes us a specific plan to make sure you make time in your busy schedule to do this very important thing. You have access to the word. And even if you miss a day or a week or a month, you can always start again new any moment.
I have received this Bible for free as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid.
Check out their site for more :https://www.thejesusbible.com/
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